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Collection of Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards 2024 With Quotes, Wishes, and Twibbon

Collection of Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards With Quotes and Wishes
Collection of Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards With Quotes and Wishes. Dok. Gurupenyemangat.com on Canva

Hi Muslim friends of the world. Happy Isra' Mi'raj 1445 Hijri.

In 2024, we should say "Alhamdulillah" sincerely while thanking Allah for all the blessings, sustenance, and all the happiness that is obtained. 

Prophet Muhammad SAW as described in the Qur'an has carried out Isra' wal Mi'raj to pick up the command to pray, and see how great the power of Allah SWT. 

Isra' is the event of the night journey taken by the Prophet with the angel Gabriel by riding the Buraq from the Grand Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque. 

If we count, then the distance from the Grand Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque is 1,239 KM. It was an impossible distance to cover by riding the fastest vehicle in the pre-hijra era. 

Yes, in the year 621 AD, the fastest vehicle in Mecca was a camel, and to cover 1,239 KM it took a month or even more by riding a camel. However, God's answer to this extraordinary story did not come at that time but in the present. 

If we go from Mecca to Palestine by plane, then the time required is not even 3 hours. Even though it's thousands of kilometers away, right?

But, again for the Mi'raj event, namely the journey of the Prophet Muhammad SAW going up through the 7 heavens to Sidratul Muntaha, it is truly the power of God that cannot be matched by human knowledge and strength. 

Therefore, in welcoming the commemoration of the Isra' Mi'raj of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in 2024, it is hoped that every Muslim can use it as a momentum to improve the quality of faith and piety to Allah SWT. 

There are many ways to encourage yourself, your friends, and your family. One of them is by distributing Isra' Mi'raj greeting cards as well as Islamic aphorisms that touch the heart. 

Here, Gurupenyemangat.com has prepared Isra' Mi'raj greeting cards. 

The following collection of Isra' Mi'raj greeting cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is equipped with quotes of wishes and pictures with attractive illustrations. 

Let's have a look:

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 

The following collection of Isra' Mi'raj greeting cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW we can use for posting material on social media or also to greet Muslim brothers and sisters around the world.

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (2)
Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (2)

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (3)

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (4)
Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (4)

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (5)
Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (5)

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (6)
Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (6)

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (7)
Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW (7)

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes 

What are your hopes at the end of the month of Rajab 1445 Hijri? Of course, there are great hopes for yourself, for your family, friends, and Muslims in general. 

Therefore, never stop praying to Allah. May Allah ease our affairs and keep us away from all difficulties.

The following is an example of an Isra' Mi'raj greeting card that is equipped with heartfelt wishes and quotes.

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes
Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes 

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes (1)
Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes (1)

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes (2)
Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes (2)

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes (3)
Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes (3)

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes (4)
Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes (4)

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes (5)
Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes (5)

Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes (6)
Isra' Mi'raj Greeting Card with Words of Wishes (6)

Twibbon Isra' Mi'raj

Moreover, I have also prepared some interesting twibbon with the theme isra' Mi'raj Nabi Muhammad SAW.

By pressing the following link, you can upload your best photos in order to encourage Muslim friends around the world. Here's the twibbon option:


That was the presentation about the collection of Isra' Mi'raj greeting cards of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1445 Hijri in 2024 which is equipped with qoutes and words of wishes. Hope it is useful. 


Next Post: Collection of Quotes Isra' Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad SAW 1445 H

Guru Penyemangat
Guru Penyemangat Guru Profesional, Guru Penggerak, Blogger, Public Speaker, Motivator & Juragan Emas.

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